28 abril 2009

BILD: this is why we follow TH! (luego traduzco)


Where can the fan madness still bring these girls?

• They follow Tom (19) and Bill Kaulitz (19) from "Tokio Hotel" every step they make.
• They disguise themselves like criminals.
• They call themselves : Les Afghanes on Tour.
• They are from France, and follow the musicians for already half a year.

There names: Perrine (21), georgina (25), Aurore (21) and Noemai (20). Bild-reporter ask the girls that show thelmselves for the first time without disguise: Why don't you just leave the boys from "Tokio Hotel" alone?

"We aren't stalkers", claims Perrine. "We love the music and the lyrics. We haven't followed them, we just wanna know where and how they live. That interests us."

Among the extreme fans a contest has started, who can see the boys most often in a private situation. Videos from the chases from those so called fans are then put on the internet.

Perrine: "The special thing is that we wanna see Tokio hotel always and everywhere. The more often you see them the happier you get."

With perrine it even went so far that she moved from paris to Hamburg to be close to Bill and Tom. The foudn a job (doesn't wanna tell what) and found a house close to the one of the twins, and then started following them.

On 15 April it went too far when Tom lost his patience at a Hamburger gasstation and hit perrine in the face. The young woman pressed charges.

Shortly before the mother of Bill and Tom would have been attacked by the "Afghans". The girls claim this is not true.

Noemai: "The mother from Tom has attacked us - with a cola bottle". The incident would have happened in front of the house of Bill and Tom where the "Afghans" were waiting for the twins.

What do they want next? There lawyer Burkhard benecken (33) to Bild: "An apology and compensation. We want at least 10.000 euro."

The mangement of the band didn't want to respond yesterday to the girls claims.

Source: Bild.de

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