14 agosto 2008

Laut.de: Parents allowed to name child Tokio Hotel.

Sweden: Parents can name baby Tokio Hotel.

Company or band name for a baby? Scandinavian financial authorities make it possible.

Stockholm [dani] - So far, law regulations protected innocent children from fighting through life with names such as “Burgerking” or “Tokiohotel”. In this country, the law put a latch on the creativity of some parents. In Sweden however, the mania has been given an open door due to a change of a legal position.

Not long ago, the requirements for the giving of first names have been changed over there. Baptizing your little girl "Metallica" or your little boy “Vitamalz” is no problem anymore.

“God” and “Satan” remain prohibited.

“There's nothing wrong with names such as 'Coca-Cola' or 'McDonalds' these days”, the Spiegel quotes in their online edition Lars Tegenfeldt, a spokesman for the Swedish financial authorities. “In the 70's that may have possibly been an issue.” In Sweden the financial authorities are responsible for registrations as well as the handlings of names.

Still: Terms such as “God” or “Devil” are prohibited, and curse words don't even get that close in Sweden. With the name “Fuckyou Svensson” no one will have to walk around with for the moment.

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